With the new Upgrade of MTN network,the've actually brought out a new data service recently on how you can get 2GB + N2560 to call all network in Nigeria from your MTN line. I guess this offer is far better than the previous. 2GB is something big for some people + the additional Airtime that comes with it.
How can I Enjoy from this Superb Service???
>> Migrate to MTN Truetalk by dialing *400#
>> Load N2000 on your MTN line
>> SMS D2000 to 131 to get the offer. Valid for 30days. Your account will be credited with data and airtime.
That's not all. You can also get N1950 free airtime + 100MB data with just N500.
How to go about it!
Make sure you’re already on MTN True Talk plan, recharge your line with N500 and SMS V500 to 131 and you’ll be credited with data and airtime. Valid for 7days.
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